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for a Prize

Please fill out the form and upload your completed application to submit. Specific application instructions can be found at:


  • Undergraduate Essay Prize


  • M.A. Essay Prize


  • Past Presidents Paper Prize


  • Walter D. Love Article Prize


  • Judith R. Walkowitz Article Prize​​


Please note: If you are nominating a book for the Stansky Book Prize or the John Ben Snow Book prize you will need to contact the committee chairs directly to send a copy of the book. Please consult the individual prize page for a list of committee members.

If you are nominating for an article or essay prize, please attach a PDF copy of the work. The file must be named as follows: (PrizeName_NomineeLastNameFristName). If a nominating letter is required, please merge the letter with the article/essay PDF to create one PDF upload. Book PDFs will not be supported.

Upload File

Thanks for submitting!

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