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NACBS Annual Meeting Travel Awards


The NACBS has a grant program intended to assist graduate students and under- and unemployed NACBS members in attending the society’s Annual Meeting. Funding for graduate students is generously funded in part by the Stern Foundation. Applicants can apply for grants of up to $500/each to defray the costs of travel, lodging, and meals based on need and the number of requests for aid.


The deadline to apply for annual meeting funding has passed. 

Eligible members can apply for  grants of up to $500/each to defray the costs of travel, lodging, and meals based on need and the number of requests for aid. Recipients will be informed of their grants prior to the annual meeting.

Criteria for Eligibility

  • Applicants must be NACBS members in good standing.

  • Graduate student applicants must be currently enrolled in a Ph.D.-granting degree program in British studies.

  • Applicants who have already earned a Ph.D. (or other terminal degree) must have received the degree within 10 years of the date of the annual meeting.

  • Applicants must not be currently employed in a tenured, tenure-track, or other full-time position in the field or be retired from such a position.

  • Applicants must have and state a need for this financial assistance from the NACBS.

Requests for funding will be accepted through a  portal on our website, starting in early August. Please check back for updates on the exact timing.

Your request should include the following information: your name, postal address, email address, and telephone number; the institution in which you are enrolled for your graduate degree or from which you received your terminal degree (and the year in which you received it); your current employment status including employer and job title, if applicable; a brief statement of need for NACBS assistance; your purpose in attending the NACBS meeting; and an estimated budget of expenses.  

Applicants must stipulate that they have made a good faith effort to pursue any internal funding from their institution before making application to the NACBS for support.

Preference will be given to applicants who are panelists on the NACBS program and/or award recipients.

Please feel free to reach out to Amanda Perry with any questions at

Due Date

August 10, 2025

Previous Winners
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