75th Anniversary Capital Campaign

2025 marks the 75th anniversary of the North American Conference on British Studies. To commemorate this important milestone, we invite you to join us in shaping the future of our scholarly community through our 75th Anniversary Capital Campaign. Learn more about this year-long giving campaign.
Give to
British Studies
How to Donate
We ask for your help to sustain activities vital to the well-being of British Studies in North America – our annual conferences, our awards and prizes, our well-respected Journal of British Studies, and more. We run a tight ship: we do the majority of our business on the web, have no office space, and we are reliant on the goodwill of our members. It is in this spirit of goodwill that we ask you to contribute a gift to support the NACBS and its activities. The NACBS is a tax exempt organization (501[c]3) and your contribution will be tax deductible as law permits. Thanks for your help!

Promote British Studies

Help the Next Generation

May be Tax Deductible
Please help secure the future of British Studies by contributing to our organization. If you wish to give online, you can donate using the button below. If you would like to discuss options for giving to NACBS, please contact Executive Director Amanda Perry (execdirector@nacbs.org).