Support British Studies
75th Anniversary Capital Campaign
On the occasion of our 75th anniversary, we invite you to join us in shaping the future of our scholarly community through our 75th Anniversary Capital Campaign. This milestone is not just a reflection of our past, but an opportunity to invest in the next generation of scholars.
This capital campaign is raising money to support our Dissertation Fellowship and Diversity and Inclusion Fellowship programs. All contributions will go directly to fund these important grants. The NACBS has been supporting research and scholarship in British Studies for seventy-five years and we ask for your support to ensure we can continue this important work for another seventy-five.

What does
this support?
Dissertation Fellowships
Diversity and Inclusion Fellowships

Your Impact
Donate in someone's honor
Tell your social network why you support NACBS
The Goal
The goal is to raise money to seed an endowed fund that will support the Dissertation Fellowship and Diversity and Inclusion Fellowships in the future. We hope to raise $25,000 from membership, which the NACBS will match with $25,000 to establish a fund dedicated to these grants. An appeal will then be made annually to contribute to this dedicated fund.

You can give to the campaign using the options listed above. Alternatively, you can reach out to our executive director Amanda Perry (execdirector@nacbs.org) or treasurer Jen Purcell (treasurer@nacbs.org), who are available to assist you with your gift.
Naming Opportunities
A named fellowship is a meaningful way to leave a lasting legacy while making a significant impact on future generations. Naming opportunities allow you to honor a friend or colleague, commemorate a cherished milestone, or showcase your commitment to scholarship in British Studies. In short, they are both an investment in NACBS and a way to honor individual members.
Potential Named Awards
Dissertation Fellowships
$10,000 award: $30,000
$5,000 awards: $15,000
$4,000 pre-dissertation: $12,000
Diversity and Inclusion Fellowships
$10,000 award: $30,000
$5,000 award: $15,000
If you choose to support the program with a gift that is three times the annual amount of the fellowship award, you have the honor of having the fellowship named in your honor—or in honor of someone you wish to recognize. For example, if the annual award amount for a fellowship is $10,000, a gift of $30,000 (three times the award amount) will secure naming rights for that fellowship. This generous contribution helps sustain the program long-term and ensures that future fellows receive the resources they need to succeed.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are donations tax-deductible? Yes! All donations to the NACBS, which is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization according to US Federal law, are tax deductible to US tax payers.
Why now? Celebrating the 75th anniversary of our organization presents an opportunity to honor our history while galvanizing support for our future. By coming together to celebrate, we can create lasting change and build a stronger foundation for the next 75 years.
That’s a lot of money! What will it be used for? All money raised during this campaign will go directly to support our Dissertation Fellowship and Diversity and Inclusion Fellowship programs.
Aren’t these fellowships endowed? While we do award a small number of named prizes with endowed gifts, all of our fellowship programs are currently funded from our operating revenue. This campaign will raise seed money to establish a fund to help sustain these fellowships moving forward.
Don’t we have an endowment? Can’t we use that? The NACSB does have investment reserves, but those funds are not used for our operating budget. Rather, a small percentage is drawn annually off the earnings of those investments to supplement our operating budget. The goal of this campaign is to establish an endowed account to support these fellowships directly.
75th Capital Campaign
We encourage you to donate at any level that feels meaningful to you, whether it's a one-time contribution or by joining us in celebrating 75 years of impact with a special gift of $75.
One time
Mailing Address
Download a fact sheet. This helpful sheet provides the basic information about our capital campaign.
Learn more about GivingTuesday